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Class Supplies and Materials

Materials such as sketchbooks, drawing pencils, erasers, blending stumps, and more will be provided for the class projects.  The student will be responsible for helping maintain the supplies and studio.  Donations are welcome and it is much appreciated and helps keep the program alive. I will send home a letter from time to time stating items we could use for our projects.


Conduct Procedures

This is an inclusion classroom. I exepect students follow the school's policies, as well as, my classroom rules. Please read below.
First Offense:
- Warning
- LOP name on board
Second Offense:
- Contact Parents
- Performance Reflection Contract
- Alternative task
Third Offense:
- Contact Parents
- Referral written up


Grading: (art projects and activities)

Art work  is graded on an individual basis, not compared to others. You will be graded (evaluated) according to the following criteria:
1. Craftsmanship: Did the student display care and thought in his or her work? Does  the student’s work reflect an understanding of the elements and principles of design and the techniques discussed and demonstrated in class (3 points). Read the syllabus more information


Assesements and deadlines

Students who work harder will start at faster pace. As mentioned previously, student will be given tasks aside from the drawing projects. This will consist of presentations, journal questions articles, and art style packets. The students will be given a well rounded education in art, presentation techniques, reading skills, and writing skills. Check out the assignment links for support. Many tasks will overlap each other throughout the year. Students must stay focused and not fall behind. 


How are the assignments graded?

Each assignment is hands-on and requires the student to be present to use their production time wisely. Some can be made in class and some can be made by working on at home.
All levels will have a chance to work on assignments during class time. Some students will create tasks larger and more complex than other students depending on their abilities and hard-work.


Is this course an easy A?

This is a misconception.  Like other classes, as long as you do the work, it is possible to get a good grade. Beyond projects, students will also do chapter tests & vocab tests, presentations, a research paper, article reflections, midterms, finals, notebook sketches, and art shows and potential selling of pieces

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